Click on a product below to pay online now.

If you would like to pay another amount not listed above, please click here.

Normal Session Standard Fee: ฿1,800 THB
per hour
We use a sliding scale to ensure that everyone can access our services regardless of income. Fee Plan 1: ฿1,200 THB per hour
Fee Plan 2: ฿900 THB per hour
Fee Plan 3: ฿600 THB per hour
Cerny-Smith Cultural Adjustment Stress Assessment ฿500 THB
(report only; feedback session subject to rates above)
Summary Report of Services and Recommendations ฿3,000 THB

Our Fee Structure


Our providers at The Well raise their own funds and do not receive compensation for their work. Fees paid to The Well cover salaries for local staff and help us maintain our facilities and infrastructure. Please speak with your counsellor, coach or spiritual director if you have questions or concerns about our fees. We will be happy to consider your needs.

Pay With LINE Pay

Prefer to pay with LINE Pay? Open the Line app on your phone or tablet and click the scan button to the right of the search bar (further instructions here). Then scan this QR code to pay directly to The Well. Please be sure to include your name with the payment.


Our Fees in Other Currencies

Conversions here are rough estimates only and DO NOT reflect current exchange rates.

Normal Session Standard Fee: ¥7,000JPY / $54USD per hour
Fee Plan 1: ¥4,700 JPY / $36USD per hour
Fee Plan 2: ¥3,500JPY / $27USD per hour
Fee Plan 3: ¥2,350JPY / $18USD per hour
Cerny-Smith Cultural Adjustment Stress Assessment 2,000JPY/$15USD
(report only; feedback session subject to rates above)
Summary Report of Services and Recommendations 12,000JPY/$90USD