Ying (Sirikanya) Boonyakiat


B.A. English
Master of Divinity
D. Min. Youth and Family Ministry

Ying grew up in Northern Thailand in a Buddhist family and became a Christian when she was thirteen. As a young woman, she graduated from Chiang Mai University with a degree in English and, soon after, began serving as a youth worker. Later, she moved to Singapore where Ying studied her M.Div at Trinity Theological College before getting married to Golf. She and Golf continued living cross-culturally in the USA where they both completed doctorates at Fuller Theological Seminary.

Ying has served Thai communities in both Singapore and Southern California and is an ordained minister. She has been serving in a church in Chiang Mai for more than twenty years. From her ministerial experiences, Ying recognizes the importance of nurturing believers’ and ministers’ mental and spiritual health. She hopes that, through serving with the Well, she can help believers and ministers recognize the importance of and know how to take care of themselves - especially their heart, mind, and spirit so that they may be holistically healthy, have a balanced life, and serve the Lord joyfully.

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